Reading and Writing

Book Reviews–Iditarod, Tricia Brown; The Mystery on the Iditarod Trail, Carole Marsh; Dogteam, Gary Paulsen

Get your facts and your fiction here, from young readers to adult, with these three books. Iditarod™ is new, coming out in February, 2014. Carole Marsh adds to her mysteries for children with a mystery set on the Iditarod Trail, and Gary Paulsen’s picture book, Dogteam, isn’t just for the young readers.

Book Review–Akiak A Tale from the Iditarod

by Martha Dobson, Iditarod Educational Consultant A new book review is on the Education Portal. Find out about this realistic fiction book by author and illustrator Robert J. Blake. It’s another book to add to your school or classroom library to increase students’ knowledge of the race.

Book Review–Foxy’s Tale: The True Story of A Champion Alaskan Sled Dog

An elementary level, true story of an Alaskan sled dog who overcomes size, injury, and more to win the Junior World Championship Sled Dog Race. The author is available for Skype presentations, too. Read more here.  


Thus far you have met our heroes Martin Buser, Bruce Linton, Balto and Togo. You have read about their great skills, determination and perseverance. Our hero, Baldy of Nome, has accumulated equally impressive accomplishments. Have you noticed that some of our heroes are from current times, some are from the recent past and some are …

Granite & Susan Butcher – Hero & Heroine

When speaking of Granite one has to mention Susan, when speaking of Susan one has to include Granite. Without Susan, Granite might have become a house pet. Without Granite, Susan might have been just an ordinary musher. Together they accomplished remarkable feats. That’s why they have both been named to the Just Guts Heroes, Heroines …

Writing To Your Musher

Hi Boys and Girls,   Many of you are busy writing the musher you followed in the race. I know you are really excited about that and many of you are hoping for a return letter and maybe even some goodies. Since the request for musher addresses has increased during the past week, I thought …

Celebrating Great Books! Have You Met Helen Frost?

Hello Boys and Girls, I was pawing around the house for a good book to read and I remembered…. About a year or so ago, I introduced you to an author friend of ours, Helen Frost.  She wrote a delightful story called Diamond Willow. The book is very unique because it is written in a …

Picking a Musher

Hi Boys and Girls, Wow, it’s almost race time.  Are you getting ready to follow the race?  Do you have a  favorite musher?  If you’re following the race in your classroom, you may be able to pick a musher to follow.  Some classes follow a couple of teams and in some classes each student picks …

The Cruelest Miles – Book Report

It’s all a part of the history of the great state of Alaska and the Iditarod itself – the Serum Run of 1925, Balto, Togo, Dr. Welch, Nurse Morgan, Governor Bone and 20 brave mushers who carried the anti-toxin from Nenana to Nome. The Cruelest Miles, written by cousins, Gay Salisbury and Laney Salisbury, is …

Meet an Author: Helen Frost

Diamond Willow is the story of a twelve year old girl, Willow, who wants her parents to understand that she is growing up.  She loves to mush dogs.  Willow convinces her parents to let her drive the dog team to her grandparent’s house— all by herself.  The adventures that follow and the lessons learned are …