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Eye on the Trail: King First to Ruby

Jeff King, Aliy Zirkle, Aaron Burmeister, Martin Buser, Jessie Royer and Dallas Seavey arrived in Galena in that order.  King has earned the First to the Yukon award sponsored by the Millennium Alaskan Hotel.  He’ll be treated to a fantastic 5 course meal created by the Millenium’s Head Chef.   The six mushers who’ve made Galena …


Trail to Galena

Jeff King is on the move, followed by Aliy Zirkle. He did not spend much time in Ruby. We caught up with him on the river not too far out of town and his team was moving extremely well. 10 plus miles an hour. No wind to speak of and Northern Lights dancing above. That …


Top 5 in Ruby, where do things go from here?

The lead pack has arrived in Ruby. I say pack because these first 5 teams have a bit of separation now from the teams behind them. Joar Leifseth Ulsom, Jessie Royer, Pete Kaiser and Hugh Neff are now distinctly a few hours behind. Technically speaking, Aaron Burmeister is in the lead, as he started number …

Eye on the Trail – 90 years ago

Dan Green who carried the precious package of life saving serum from Tolovana to Manley Hot Springs handed it off to the next relay driver, Johnny Folger.  Johnny, an Athabasan Native did his leg of the relay at night.  Reports say he made good time on his 31 mile run to Fish Lake.  That distance …


Trail shots of the leaders on the way to Ruby

We left the hospitality of Bible Camp behind. Mushers were getting ready to go too and we quickly caught up with Peter Kaiser who was being trailed by Hugh Neff. Trail conditions were a bit better than going into Bible Camp, and the further to Ruby we got, the better they became. I assume mostly …


Graveyard shift

The mushers who came into Tanana during the nice afternoon hours are now preparing for the gaveyard shift. Right now the dog yard is breaking out in a big giant howling chorus. The dogs know something is up and it’s time to leave soon. Dallas Seavey was sorting through stuff and said: ” Gentlemen, I …


Dee Dee Jonrowe 6th in Tanana

Dee Dee pulled into the checkpoint in 6th place, all dressed in her usual pink colours. She immediately declared her 8 hour layover. Most mushers have done that, all except Aliy Zirkle at this point. Here some pictures of Dee Dee coming in. It is pretty amazing, that we are not even 30 hours into …


Mushers en route to Manley Hot Springs

We arrived in Manley Hot Springs. It has been a place I long wanted to visit. Glad to be here, the temperature has dropped to about 10 below. Uploading from the trail is not that easy in those temperatures. About 7 miles out of Nenana, we passed a whole group of mushers camped out. Some …


The run to Nenana

  Made it to Nenana. The trail is beautiful. Although the closer the mushers are getting to Nenana, the more the wind is picking up. Normally us snowmachiners are not a welcome sight, but in this case, I think specially the front runners must have been have been happy to have a fresh track on …

Iditarod Documentaries Starting at $0.99

The Insider team is absolutely thrilled to offer race fans the ability to rent our Race Documentaries! Check them out now: – Behind the Race: Aliy Zirkle (2014) – 2013 Iditarod 41 Race Documentary – 2012 Iditarod 40 Race Documentary – 2011 Iditarod 39 Race Documentary – 2010 Iditarod 38 Race Documentary