Musher Details

2008 Iditarod » Mushers » Fabrizio Lovati

Fabrizio Lovati

Bib Number: 77
Hometown: Vallee D'Aoste, ITALY


Fabrizio Lovati, 35, was born and raised in Italy. He began mushing in 1986 and ran his first Iditarod in 2004. Fabrizio became interested in sled dog racing after watching the Alpirod in 1988. "My first dogs were from Iditarod champion Joe Runyan and North American champion, Roxy Wright. My kennel is in the Alps of Italy. " Since that time he has participated in most of the major races in Europe. He ran the Alpirod four times as well as the European Championships, the World Champion Middle Distance 2003 and the Pirena four times. He ran the Grand Odyssee and the European Championship in Norway in 2005. A building contractor, Fabrizio is the father of Giorgia, 4. His hobbies are racing in rallies cars, racing super moto, mountain biking , skiing and mountain climbing.

2008 Standings

Time In
Dogs In
Time Out
Dogs Out
Rest Time
Enroute Time
Speed (mph)
Anchorage 3/01 12:47:00 12
Willow 3/02 16:30:00 16
Yentna 3/02 20:13:00 16 3/02 20:16:00 16 0h 3m 3h 43m 11.30 42
Skwentna 3/02 23:42:00 16 3/03 06:05:00 16 6h 23m 3h 26m 9.90 34
Finger Lake 3/03 11:11:00 16 16 5h 6m 8.82 45
Rainy Pass 3/03 21:00:00 16 3/03 21:05:00 16 0h 5m 30
Rohn 3/04 06:34:00 16 3/04 12:29:00 16 5h 55m 9h 29m 5.06 48
Nikolai 3/05 00:43:00 16 3/05 10:22:00 16 9h 39m 12h 14m 6.13 75
McGrath 3/05 16:47:00 16 3/06 06:46:00 14 13h 59m 6h 25m 8.42 54
Takotna 3/06 08:48:00 14 3/07 09:41:00 14 24h 53m 2h 2m 8.85 ✔ 18
Ophir 3/07 11:59:00 14 3/07 12:13:00 14 0h 14m 2h 18m 10.87 ✔ 25
Cripple 3/08 01:55:00 14 14 13h 42m 4.31 ✔ 59
Ruby 3/08 21:05:00 14 3/09 08:28:00 14 10h 23m ✔ ✔ 112
Galena 3/09 13:53:00 14 3/09 20:22:00 13 6h 29m 5h 25m 9.60 ✔ ✔ 52
Nulato 3/10 03:10:00 13 3/10 13:45:00 13 10h 35m 6h 48m 7.65 ✔ ✔ 52
Kaltag 3/10 18:04:00 13 3/11 03:05:00 12 9h 1m 4h 19m 9.73 ✔ ✔ 42
Unalakleet 3/11 13:11:00 12 3/11 22:00:00 12 8h 49m 10h 6m 8.91 ✔ ✔ 90
Shaktoolik 3/12 03:38:00 12 3/12 10:36:00 12 6h 58m 5h 38m 7.46 ✔ ✔ 42
Koyuk 3/12 15:54:00 12 3/12 23:19:00 12 7h 25m 5h 18m 9.06 ✔ ✔ 48
Elim 3/13 05:12:00 12 3/13 10:10:00 12 4h 58m 5h 53m 8.16 ✔ ✔ 48
White Mountain 3/13 16:15:00 12 3/14 02:30:00 12 10h 15m 6h 5m 7.56 ✔ ✔ 46
Safety 3/14 08:26:00 12 3/14 08:33:00 11 0h 7m 5h 56m 9.27 ✔ ✔ 55
Nome 3/14 11:20:24 11 2h 47m 7.90 ✔ ✔ 22