Blake Freking

Bib Number: 54
Hometown: Finland, MN


Blake Freking, 36, was born in Minnesota. He was raised in Heron Lake and moved to Finland in 2003 in search of the best snowfall in Minnesota. He actually began mushing in 1998 and says, "I was fascinated by the Iditarod since reading Gary Paulsen's books during childhood." He has a degree in Mechanical Drafting and Design and has been employed as a technician by the U.S. Forest Service for the last five years. He is married to Jennifer who ran the Iditarod in 2008. Blake is a member if the Lake County Search and Rescue and Mush with P.R.I.D.E. He is married to Jennifer Freking, also an Iditarod veteran.

2008 Standings

Time In
Dogs In
Time Out
Dogs Out
Rest Time
Enroute Time
Speed (mph)
Anchorage 3/01 11:56:00 12
Willow 3/02 15:44:00 16
Yentna 3/02 19:36:00 16 3/02 19:39:00 16 0h 3m 3h 52m 10.86 42
Skwentna 3/03 04:25:00 16 3/03 04:30:00 16 0h 5m 8h 46m 3.88 34
Finger Lake 3/03 16:19:00 16 3/03 16:28:00 15 0h 9m 11h 49m 3.81 45
Rainy Pass 3/03 20:44:00 15 3/04 02:20:00 15 5h 36m 4h 16m 7.03 30
Rohn 3/04 08:06:00 15 3/04 17:25:00 13 9h 19m 5h 46m 8.32 48
Nikolai 3/05 04:07:00 13 3/05 10:23:00 13 6h 16m 10h 42m 7.01 75
McGrath 3/05 18:41:00 13 3/05 19:01:00 13 0h 20m 8h 18m 6.51 54
Takotna 3/05 22:17:00 13 3/06 23:48:00 12 25h 31m 3h 16m 5.51 ✔ 18
Ophir 3/07 02:10:00 12 3/07 04:28:00 11 2h 18m 2h 22m 10.56 ✔ 25
Cripple 3/07 22:02:00 11 3/08 03:22:00 11 5h 20m 17h 34m 3.36 ✔ 59
Ruby 3/08 21:58:00 11 3/09 04:18:00 11 5h 20m 18h 36m 6.02 ✔ 112
Galena 3/09 10:58:00 11 3/09 19:07:00 11 8h 9m 6h 40m 7.80 ✔ ✔ 52
Nulato 3/10 04:23:00 11 3/10 17:01:00 10 12h 38m 9h 16m 5.61 ✔ ✔ 52
Kaltag 3/10 22:24:00 10 3/11 04:20:00 10 5h 56m 5h 23m 7.80 ✔ ✔ 42
Unalakleet 3/11 20:25:00 10 3/12 02:44:00 10 6h 19m 16h 5m 5.60 ✔ ✔ 90
Shaktoolik 3/12 09:03:00 10 3/12 15:30:00 10 6h 27m 6h 19m 6.65 ✔ ✔ 42
Koyuk 3/12 21:23:00 10 3/13 03:34:00 10 6h 11m 5h 53m 8.16 ✔ ✔ 48
Elim 3/13 09:23:00 10 3/13 12:27:00 10 3h 4m 5h 49m 8.25 ✔ ✔ 48
White Mountain 3/13 18:11:00 10 3/14 02:11:00 10 8h 0m 5h 44m 8.02 ✔ ✔ 46
Safety 3/14 09:12:00 10 3/14 09:13:00 10 0h 1m 7h 1m 7.84 ✔ ✔ 55
Nome 3/14 12:40:36 10 3h 27m 6.38 ✔ ✔ 22