Rick Larson

Bib Number: 95
Hometown: Sand Coulee, Montana


Rick Larson, 48, was born in Montana. He's been in Sand Coulee the last 15 years where he is an equipment operator. He's been running sled dogs with his own kennel for the last 10 years. Rick says he started his career handling for Chris Adkins. Terry Adkins gave him a team of dogs to train and race. His race that first year was the Race to the Sky in Montana. After the race, he bought three dogs from Terry Adkins and now has a kennel of 45 competitive Alaska huskies. "I have won all but one race in the 200 milers in the Lower 48, Can-Am Crown, UP 200, Seeley Lake 200 and others. This is his 4th Iditarod and he says he wants to finish in 10 days. Rick is married to Sandy and has one step son, Duane, 31. He is a member of the volunteer fire department and lists his hobby as hunting.


Dr. Rick & Laura Helms, MT
Vonnie Hall
Hot Chillys, CA

Northwind Sleds, MT
United Materials, MT
Redpaw Feeds

2008 Standings

Time In
Dogs In
Time Out
Dogs Out
Rest Time
Enroute Time
Speed (mph)
Anchorage 3/01 13:26:00 12
Willow 3/02 17:06:00 16
Yentna 3/02 21:11:00 16 3/02 21:16:00 16 0h 5m 4h 5m 10.29 42
Skwentna 3/03 06:08:00 16 3/03 06:13:00 16 0h 5m 8h 52m 3.83 34
Finger Lake 3/03 17:05:00 16 3/03 17:07:00 16 0h 2m 10h 52m 4.14 45
Rainy Pass 3/03 21:14:00 16 3/04 06:43:00 16 9h 29m 4h 7m 7.29 30
Rohn 3/04 11:24:00 16 3/04 17:30:00 16 6h 6m 4h 41m 10.25 48
Nikolai 3/05 03:37:00 16 3/05 10:45:00 16 7h 8m 10h 7m 7.41 75
McGrath 3/05 17:32:00 16 3/06 17:36:00 15 24h 4m 6h 47m 7.96 ✔ 54
Takotna 3/06 19:46:00 15 3/06 19:47:00 15 0h 1m 2h 10m 8.31 ✔ 18
Ophir 3/06 22:25:00 15 3/06 22:38:00 15 0h 13m 2h 38m 9.49 ✔ 25
Cripple 3/07 15:10:00 15 3/08 00:21:00 13 9h 11m 16h 32m 3.57 ✔ 59
Ruby 3/08 12:27:00 13 3/08 20:32:00 10 8h 5m 12h 6m 9.26 ✔ ✔ 112
Galena 3/09 04:24:00 10 3/09 09:00:00 10 4h 36m 6h 52m 7.57 ✔ ✔ 52
Nulato 3/09 15:37:00 10 3/09 22:55:00 10 7h 18m 6h 37m 7.86 ✔ ✔ 52
Kaltag 3/10 04:35:00 10 3/10 10:30:00 10 5h 55m 5h 40m 7.41 ✔ ✔ 42
Unalakleet 3/11 02:34:00 10 3/11 11:24:00 10 8h 50m 16h 4m 5.60 ✔ ✔ 90
Shaktoolik 3/11 18:28:00 10 10 7h 4m 5.94 ✔ ✔ 42
Koyuk 3/12 10:39:00 10 3/12 16:38:00 9 5h 59m ✔ ✔ 48
Elim 3/13 00:01:00 9 3/13 06:22:00 9 6h 21m 7h 23m 6.50 ✔ ✔ 48
White Mountain 3/13 13:17:00 9 3/13 21:17:00 9 8h 0m 6h 55m 6.65 ✔ ✔ 46
Safety 3/14 05:02:00 9 3/14 05:05:00 9 0h 3m 7h 45m 7.10 ✔ ✔ 55
Nome 3/14 08:47:43 9 3h 42m 5.95 ✔ ✔ 22