Anne Capistrant

Bib Number: 88
Hometown: Healy, Alaska


Anne Capistrant, 40, was born and raised in Madison, Wisconsin. She grew up reading Laura Ingalls Wilder and feeling like she was born a century too late. While working on her doctoral degree in ecology at the University of Minnesota in 1992, she met a kindred spirit in her husband Todd. They spent several years moving around the Midwest as education and professional jobs demanded. Anne "retired" from being a college professor in 1999 when their first child was born. After 7 years of training and racing dogs in the Midwest, the lack of snow and dream of living in Alaska drove the family north and they moved to Healy, Alaska in 2003. Anne now fills the role of homeschooling mom, kennel manager, livestock keeper (including milk goats, pigs, chickens, bees, and turkeys) and homestead manger (vintner, gardener, weaver, chef, and accountant). Hoof ‘N' Woof Sled Dogs was formed 11 years ago and has been active in Alaska for 6 years. Anne helped raise and train the teams that Todd ran in the 2002 Serum Run and in Iditarod 2003 and 2004. During these years, Anne was a passionate student of race strategy, food drop preparation, and checkpoint routines. With Rose now 8 and Grace now 6 the time has come for her turn at being the main dog driver. She has spent the past three years preparing herself and her dogs to be qualified (officially and personally) for Iditarod 2008. She is excited to be on the trail that has been a focal point of her thoughts and efforts for the past 7 years. She is a member of the ADMA, the TRDMA and is the Chairperson of the Denali Borough Plannng Commission.



Pike Legal Group, KY
49er Feed Distributors
Todd Capistrant
David/Rhoda Braunschweig, WI

Dr Terry & Jacque Capistrant, MN
Nancy Woizeschke
Brian Prellwitz

2008 Standings

Time In
Dogs In
Time Out
Dogs Out
Rest Time
Enroute Time
Speed (mph)
Anchorage 3/01 13:11:00 12
Willow 3/02 16:52:00 16
Yentna 3/02 20:59:00 16 3/03 02:59:00 16 6h 0m 4h 7m 10.20 42
Skwentna 3/03 05:59:00 16 3/03 12:19:00 16 6h 20m 3h 0m 11.33 34
Finger Lake 3/03 18:01:00 16 3/04 02:53:00 15 8h 52m 5h 42m 7.89 45
Rainy Pass 3/04 06:52:00 15 3/04 13:44:00 14 6h 52m 3h 59m 7.53 30
Rohn 3/04 18:16:00 14 3/05 06:15:00 14 11h 59m 4h 32m 10.59 48
Nikolai 3/05 20:22:00 14 3/06 05:38:00 14 9h 16m 14h 7m 5.31 75
McGrath 3/06 12:35:00 14 3/07 13:10:00 13 24h 35m 6h 57m 7.77 ✔ 54
Takotna 3/07 14:46:00 13 3/07 14:50:00 13 0h 4m 1h 36m 11.25 ✔ 18
Ophir 3/07 18:39:00 13 3/08 03:14:00 13 8h 35m 3h 49m 6.55 ✔ 25
Cripple 3/08 22:00:00 13 3/09 07:44:00 13 8h 44m 18h 46m 3.14 ✔ 59
Ruby 3/09 23:46:00 13 3/10 08:10:00 12 8h 24m 16h 2m 6.99 ✔ ✔ 112
Galena 3/10 15:05:00 12 3/11 00:08:00 11 9h 3m 6h 55m 7.52 ✔ ✔ 52
Nulato 3/11 07:15:00 11 3/11 15:34:00 11 8h 19m 7h 7m 7.31 ✔ ✔ 52
Kaltag 3/11 21:00:00 11 3/12 04:25:00 11 7h 25m 5h 26m 7.73 ✔ ✔ 42
Unalakleet 3/12 22:29:00 11 3/13 06:32:00 11 8h 3m 18h 4m 4.98 ✔ ✔ 90
Shaktoolik 3/13 12:26:00 11 3/13 18:43:00 11 6h 17m 5h 54m 7.12 ✔ ✔ 42
Koyuk 3/14 01:20:00 11 3/14 08:32:00 11 7h 12m 6h 37m 7.25 ✔ ✔ 48
Elim 3/14 14:53:00 11 3/14 22:12:00 10 7h 19m 6h 21m 7.56 ✔ ✔ 48
White Mountain 3/15 05:28:00 10 3/15 13:43:00 10 8h 15m 7h 16m 6.33 ✔ ✔ 46
Safety 3/15 20:56:00 10 3/15 20:59:00 10 0h 3m 7h 13m 7.62 ✔ ✔ 55
Nome 3/16 00:26:04 10 3h 27m 6.38 ✔ ✔ 22