Judy Currier

Bib Number: 72
Hometown: Fairbanks, Alaska


Judy Currier, 46, was born in New Hampshire and graduated from the University of New Hampshire in 1984 with a degree in Business Administration. She was inspired by Libby Riddles' and Susan Butchers' achievements in 1982 and in 1992, she and her husband, Devan, began mushing and quickly realized that their destiny was to live in Alaska. They moved to Wasilla in 1995 and in 2002 they jumped at the opportunity to take jobs in Fairbanks to "escape Wasilla traffic" and moved to Two Rivers. When she is not on the runners or at work, Judy enjoys bicycling and running. She is employed as Senior Accountant by Brice Inc. in Fairbanks.







Brice Companies
Jewel Bennett

2010 Standings

Checkpoint Time In Dogs In Time Out Dogs Out Rest Time Previous Layover Status Distance
Enroute Time Speed (mph) 8hr 24hr
Anchorage 3/06 12:36:00 12
Willow 3/07 16:20:00 16
Yentna Station 3/07 20:08:00 16 3/07 20:12:00 16 0h 4m 3h 48m 11.84 45
Skwentna 3/07 23:06:00 16 3/08 05:03:00 16 5h 57m 2h 54m 11.72 34
Finger Lake 3/08 10:44:00 16 3/08 15:28:00 15 4h 44m 5h 41m 7.92 45
Rainy Pass 3/08 19:21:00 15 15 3h 53m 7.73 30
Rohn 3/09 05:20:00 15 3/09 12:05:00 14 6h 45m 48
Nikolai 3/09 22:46:00 14 3/10 04:20:00 14 5h 34m 10h 41m 7.02 75
McGrath 3/10 09:30:00 14 3/10 09:44:00 14 0h 14m 5h 10m 10.45 54
Takotna 3/10 11:54:00 14 3/11 11:57:00 14 24h 3m 2h 10m 8.31 ✔ 18
Ophir 3/11 14:14:00 14 3/11 14:29:00 13 0h 15m 2h 17m 10.95 ✔ 25
Cripple 3/12 00:57:00 13 3/12 09:49:00 13 8h 52m 10h 28m 5.64 ✔ 59
Ruby 3/12 22:05:00 13 3/13 06:43:00 13 8h 38m 12h 16m 9.13 ✔ ✔ 112
Galena 3/13 13:00:00 13 6h 17m 8.28 ✔ ✔ Scratched 52