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Update March 8, 2013 PM Edition

Hi Boys and Girls

Hope everyone had a great day.  I’m sure looking forward to the weekend.  What are your plans this weekend? I’m hoping to get out and play with in the snow- one of my favorite things to do.  There’s been some good news on Newton Marshall’s dog Mae.  She has been sighted in the area she got loose in.  She’s still loose but at least she’s been spotted and is okay.  I hope Mae and Newton are reunited soon.  The teams are spreading out now and several will be taking their first 8 hour mandatory rest soon.  It should be an exciting weekend. 

Todays picture from Jeff Schultz is of Anna Beringtons dog Artic giving her a kiss in Iditarod.


Now for today’s update:

DATE:   March 8, 2013  PM Edition

TIME:    15:21 Alaska Time   

LEADERS: 1. Martin Buser  2. Aily Zirkle  3. Aaron Burmeister 4. Jake Berkowitz 5. Sonny Lindner. 

WHERE ARE THE MUSHERS:  Martin is out of Grayling- He has completed both his 24 hour and 8 hour rest, Aily, Aaron, Jake, Sonny and Jessie Royer are resting in Grayling. 2 teams have left Anvik, 8 teams are in Anvik, 2 teams have left Shagaluk, 6 teams are in Shagaluk, 11 teams have left Iditarod, 12 teams are in Iditarod, 7 teams have left Ophir, 2 teams are in Ophir, and 1 team has left Takotna.

RED LANTERN POSITION: James Volek who has left Takotna and is on his way to Ophir.

WEATHER:   The weather is still very warm out on the trail.  The teams in Ophir and Iditarod are experiencing temps in the mid 40’s and it’s partly cloudy. The weather in Shagaluk is 37 and mostly cloudy, The weather in both Anvik and Grayling is 36 and cloudy.  With temps this warm, you may see more teams moving at night and resting during the day. 



Answer to this mornings Question: The back of the pack are the teams that are the last teams out on the trail.  Many are rookie teams, some are puppy teams, some may be experiencing some difficulties and are taking their time.  Most of these teams did not enter the race to win but to accomplish their personal goal of finishing the race.  There are a lot of good stories and pictures that come from the back of the pack.  They are definitely worth watching and following. 


Well that’s it for today.  I can’t wait to get the update in the morning. 

Until later,


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