Jen Reiter 2014 Teacher on the Trail

Not Quite Ready to Say Goodbye?

I don’t know about you, but I’m still not quite ready to say goodbye to this year’s race or the trail…. and my kids aren’t really yet either.  The Iditarod still comes up routinely in conversation, we’re still unpacking all of my goodies from all the boxes I shipped home, we are still Skyping with …

Thanking the Volunteers

One last event tonight, the Volunteer Pot Luck Dinner, was a chance for the volunteers to get together one last time and for the Iditarod staff to share their appreciation for all of the volunteers’ hard work. A couple hundred of the nearly 1,500 volunteers for this year’s race gathered for one more time at …

Recognizing the Accomplishments

The Nome Recreation Center was packed to the brim last night to celebrate the accomplishments of the 2014 Iditarod Mushers.  For every single musher in attendance feelings of relief, satisfaction, and pride had to be filling their hearts.  I am sure in the days to come there will be the “what-ifs” and “if only I …

A Race for the Red Lantern

It was a race for first place:  Dallas Seavey edged by Aily Zirkle and won the 2014 Iditarod by 2 minutes and 22 seconds. It was a race for Rookie of the Year:  Nathan Schroeder edged by Abbie West and won the 2014 Rookie of the Year by about 6 minutes. It somehow seems fitting …

Team Zappa: Under the Arch!

Team Zappa made it into Nome! She arrived in 47th place after quite a race to the finish! You couldn’t miss her coming down Front Street in her uber bright Posh House Parka!  Her team seemed a little overwhelmed by the traffic, crowds, and people in Nome. Her team tried to make a right hand …

Catching Up with Martin Buser

The Nome Library hosted a Meet and Greet with Martin Buser today.  He took questions from the fans and was pretty open and honest with his answers.  It was clearly a tough race for Martin and the rest of the mushers.  It has given them lots to think about. Martin said that his biggest obstacle …

Mushin’ Mon

Newton Marshall made it to the Burled Arch with his typical huge smile and unfailing good spirits! I walked down to watch him come up off the sea ice. He was poling away and waving and smiling to the gathered crowds.  It seems like crowds gather wherever Newton is!  The scene in chute was the …

As the Trail Turns

Meanwhile Back at School: Rule Number 6 deals with timing on the race: Rule 6 — Race Timing: For elapsed time purposes, the race will be a common start event. Each musher’s total elapsed time will be calculated using 2:00 p.m., Sunday March 2, 2014, as the starting time. Teams will leave the start and …

A Rookie No More!

Congratulations to Charley Bejina who made to Nome and earned his belt buckle on his second attempt! After a long evening, and lots of tracker watching and refreshing because he seemed to be sitting still on the trail for quite awhile…. Charley made it to Nome on a picture perfect morning.  It snowed over night, …

Picture Perfect Spot

I found my perfect perch for taking photos of the end of the trail.  As much as I have enjoyed watching teams come into the chute – it’s a little crowded and hard to get good shots there.  The instant the musher is in the chute they are surrounded by well wishers and photographers and …