Jeff King

Bib Number: 31
Hometown: Denali Park, Alaska


Jeff King was born and raised in California and moved to Alaska in 1975 in search of adventure. He quickly became interested in dog sledding and Alaskan huskies, devoting all his spare time and money to building his own team, while developing a construction business. He began racing in 1980. His competitive nature and athleticism had found new outlet, and Jeff set his sights ever higher, entering his first Iditarod just one year later. In 1992 he decided to devote his full time and energy to training and racing, setting aside his construction business. He won his first iditarod the following season.

Jeff enjoys living just outside of Alaska’s Denali National Park and sharing his life with his sled dogs. In the summer months Husky Homestead welcomes visitors from around the world to watch his sled dogs in action, hear stories of adventure, learn about Alaskan Huskies, the tradition of dog mushing and the life and spirit of Alaska, the last frontier.

Jeff has three grown daughters; Cali, Tessa and Ellen, and is a proud grandfather to four grandchildren.


First to the Gold Coast — Sponsored by Wells Fargo

2007 Standings

Checkpoint Time In Dogs In Time Out Dogs Out Rest Time Previous Layover Status Distance
Enroute Time Speed (mph) 8hr 24hr
Anchorage 3/03 11:06:00 12
Campbell Airstrip (BLM) 3/03 12:02:00 12 0h 56m
Willow 3/04 14:58:00 16 59
Yentna (YENT-na) 3/04 18:39:00 16 3/04 18:42:00 16 0h 3m 3h 41m 12.22 45
Skwentna 3/04 21:44:00 16 3/05 03:33:00 16 5h 49m 3h 2m 11.21 34
Finger Lake 3/05 08:17:00 16 3/05 08:22:00 16 0h 5m 4h 44m 9.51 45
Rainy Pass 3/05 11:34:00 16 3/05 16:42:00 16 5h 8m 3h 12m 9.38 30
Rohn (Rone) 3/05 21:53:00 16 3/06 03:45:00 16 5h 52m 5h 11m 9.26 48
Nikolai (NIK-o-lye) 3/06 12:47:00 16 3/06 17:12:00 16 4h 25m 9h 2m 8.86 80
McGrath 3/06 22:46:00 16 3/06 22:55:00 16 0h 9m 5h 34m 8.62 48
Takotna (Ta-COT-na) 3/07 01:14:00 16 3/07 01:27:00 16 0h 13m 2h 19m 7.77 18
Ophir (OH-fur) 3/07 04:05:00 16 3/08 05:54:00 15 25h 49m 2h 38m 9.49 ✔ 25
Iditarod (I-DIT-a-rod) 3/08 16:38:00 15 3/09 00:21:00 14 7h 43m 10h 44m 8.39 ✔ 90
Shageluk (SHAG-a-luck) 3/09 08:35:00 14 3/09 08:38:00 14 0h 3m 8h 14m 7.89 ✔ 65
Anvik 3/09 12:00:00 14 3/09 20:00:00 13 8h 0m 3h 22m 7.43 ✔ ✔ 25
Grayling 3/09 22:22:00 13 3/09 22:32:00 13 0h 10m 2h 22m 7.61 ✔ ✔ 18
Eagle Island 3/10 07:50:00 13 3/10 12:55:00 13 5h 5m 9h 18m 6.45 ✔ ✔ 60
Kaltag (KAL-tag) 3/10 21:23:00 13 3/11 04:46:00 12 6h 23m 8h 28m 8.27 ✔ ✔ 70
Unalakleet (YOU-na-la-kleet) 3/11 15:35:00 12 3/11 21:45:00 12 6h 10m 10h 49m 8.32 ✔ ✔ 90
Shaktoolik (Shak-TOO-lick) 3/12 03:47:00 12 3/12 08:56:00 11 5h 9m 6h 2m 6.96 ✔ ✔ 42
Koyuk (Coy-uk) 3/12 15:03:00 11 3/12 18:41:00 11 3h 38m 6h 7m 7.85 ✔ ✔ 48
Elim (EE-lum) 3/13 00:57:00 11 3/13 04:38:00 11 3h 41m 6h 16m 7.66 ✔ ✔ 48
White Mountain 3/13 11:33:00 11 3/13 19:33:00 11 8h 0m 6h 55m 6.65 ✔ ✔ 46
Safety 3/14 02:38:00 11 3/14 02:42:00 11 0h 4m 7h 5m 7.76 ✔ ✔ 55
Nome 3/14 06:05:17 11 3h 23m 6.50 ✔ ✔ 22