Thomas Waerner

Bib Number: 40
Hometown: Torpa, NORWAY
Meet the Dog Team:


My passion is dog mushing and I have spent all my life doing this incredible sport and the great life you have together with a group of dogs.

For me Iditarod is the ultimate test of all the training we have been doing. Going on this historical trail in the great nature of Alaska is something that draws you back. The dogs are of old Norwegian lines bred in to some of the best lines from Alaska. Dogs from Charlie Champaine, Roxy Wright, George Attla and Ramy Brooks. They are big with a lot of fur and very good attitude and drive. They are always ready to go if I do my work as a musher.


Achieve More — Sponsored by Northrim Bank
Gold Coast — Sponsored by Ryan Air
Lolly Medley Memorial Golden Harness — Sponsored by City of Nome
Official Truck — Sponsored by Anchorage Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram

2020 Standings

Time In
Dogs In
Time Out
Dogs Out
Rest Time
Enroute Time
Speed (mph)
Willow 3/08 15:16:00 14
Yentna 3/08 20:20:00 14 3/08 21:10:00 14 0h 50m 5h 4m 8.29 42
Skwentna 3/09 00:37:00 14 3/09 03:26:00 14 2h 49m 3h 27m 8.70 30
Finger Lake 3/09 08:39:00 14 3/09 11:23:00 14 2h 44m 5h 13m 7.67 40
Rainy Pass 3/09 14:40:00 14 3/09 17:53:00 14 3h 13m 3h 17m 9.14 30
Rohn 3/09 21:58:00 14 3/09 22:07:00 14 0h 9m 4h 5m 8.57 35
Nikolai 3/10 11:46:00 14 3/10 16:00:00 14 4h 14m 13h 39m 5.49 75
McGrath 3/10 22:05:00 14 3/10 22:06:00 14 0h 1m 6h 5m 7.89 48
Takotna 3/11 00:32:00 14 3/12 01:08:00 14 24h 36m 2h 26m 7.40 ✔ 18
Ophir 3/12 03:31:00 14 3/12 03:36:00 14 0h 5m 2h 23m 9.65 ✔ 23
Cripple 3/12 15:46:00 14 3/12 20:41:00 14 4h 55m 12h 10m 6.00 ✔ 73
Ruby 3/13 07:13:00 14 3/13 15:13:00 14 8h 0m 10h 32m 6.65 ✔ ✔ 70
Galena 3/13 21:15:00 14 3/14 00:56:00 14 3h 41m 6h 2m 8.29 ✔ ✔ 50
Nulato 3/14 07:36:00 14 3/14 11:44:00 13 4h 8m 6h 40m 5.55 ✔ ✔ 37
Kaltag 3/14 17:16:00 13 3/14 22:03:00 12 4h 47m 5h 32m 8.49 ✔ ✔ 47
Unalakleet 3/15 10:08:00 12 3/15 15:05:00 12 4h 57m 12h 5m 7.03 ✔ ✔ 85
Koyuk 3/16 09:30:00 12 3/16 13:35:00 12 4h 5m 18h 25m 4.89 ✔ ✔ 90
Elim 3/16 21:07:00 12 3/16 22:59:00 12 1h 52m 7h 32m 6.37 ✔ ✔ 48
White Mountain 3/17 05:35:00 12 3/17 13:35:00 10 8h 0m 6h 36m 6.97 ✔ ✔ 46
Safety 3/17 21:13:00 10 3/17 21:17:00 10 0h 4m 7h 38m 7.21 ✔ ✔ 55
Nome 3/18 00:37:47 10 3h 20m 6.60 ✔ ✔ 22