Musher Details

2024 Iditarod » Mushers » Severin Cathry

Severin Cathry

Bib Number: 30
Hometown: Airolo, Switzerland


The outdoors and animals were always mine. As a young kid already I worked all summer long and much of my free time on a dairy farm. After two classmates of mine moved to Canada with their families I knew I also wanted to see Alaska and Canada. 2010 was finally the summer I came the first time to Alaska and got in touch with a real sled dog team and I’ve been hooked ever since.


Advanced Data & Fiber Professionals, Inc.
Regli AG
Al and Tanjala Eischens
Turning Heads Racing Kennel

2024 Standings

Time In
Dogs In
Time Out
Dogs Out
Rest Time
Enroute Time
Speed (mph)
Willow 3/03 14:56:00 16
Yentna 3/03 19:01:00 16 3/03 22:19:00 16 3h 18m 4h 5m 10.29 42
Skwentna 3/04 01:43:00 16 3/04 05:48:00 16 4h 5m 3h 24m 8.82 30
Finger Lake 3/04 11:34:00 16 3/04 17:26:00 16 5h 52m 5h 46m 6.94 40
Rainy Pass 3/04 21:17:00 16 3/05 01:49:00 16 4h 32m 3h 51m 7.79 30
Rohn 3/05 06:15:00 16 3/05 11:06:00 16 4h 51m 4h 26m 7.89 35
Nikolai 3/06 01:06:00 16 3/06 07:04:00 16 5h 58m 14h 0m 5.36 75
McGrath 3/06 13:20:00 16 3/07 13:38:00 16 24h 18m 6h 16m 7.66 ✔ 48
Takotna 3/07 15:49:00 16 3/07 15:56:00 16 0h 7m 2h 11m 8.24 ✔ 18
Ophir 3/07 18:35:00 16 3/07 23:25:00 16 4h 50m 2h 39m 8.68 ✔ 23
Cripple 3/08 13:37:00 16 3/08 19:56:00 15 6h 19m 14h 12m 5.14 ✔ 73
Ruby 3/09 11:22:00 15 3/09 19:37:00 14 8h 15m 15h 26m 4.54 ✔ ✔ 70
Galena 3/10 01:42:00 14 3/10 10:25:00 13 7h 43m 6h 5m 8.22 ✔ ✔ 50
Nulato 3/10 16:42:00 13 3/10 23:10:00 13 6h 28m 6h 17m 5.89 ✔ ✔ 37
Kaltag 3/11 03:40:00 13 3/11 10:35:00 13 6h 55m 4h 30m 10.44 ✔ ✔ 47
Unalakleet 3/12 03:53:00 13 3/12 11:49:00 12 7h 56m 17h 18m 4.91 ✔ ✔ 85
Shaktoolik 3/12 18:26:00 12 3/13 03:36:00 12 9h 10m 6h 37m 6.05 ✔ ✔ 40
Koyuk 3/13 09:52:00 12 3/13 18:47:00 12 8h 55m 6h 16m 7.98 ✔ ✔ 50
Elim 3/14 01:51:00 12 3/14 10:16:00 11 8h 25m 7h 4m 6.79 ✔ ✔ 48
White Mountain 3/14 17:57:00 11 3/15 02:07:00 11 8h 10m 7h 41m 5.99 ✔ ✔ 46
Safety 3/15 11:56:00 11 3/15 12:14:00 11 0h 18m 9h 49m 5.60 ✔ ✔ 55
Nome 3/15 21:35:04 11 9h 21m 2.35 ✔ ✔ 22