Dropped Dogs Are Out of the Race But Healthy!

DSC_0537Libby Here!

Dropped dogs are dogs that mushers or veterinarians decide have to leave the race.

Some dogs have a minor injury or an attitude is often the reason a dog gets dropped from the musher’s team and are out of the race.

Dogs that leave the race, stay in a checkpoint until a small bush plane arrives to take them back to Anchorage and their home.  The dogs are put on small planes.  When they arrive in Anchorage, the dogs are taken to the Millennium Hotel, Race Headquarters.

The dogs are ‘lined out’ on straw.  Each dog gets a check up by the vet.  Each dog gets food and water. Most dogs take a snooze on the straw.

The dogs might be sad about their race ending but they are taken good care of so any minor injury can heal quickly.

Just Spinning de”tails”,

