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Food and Supplies

Hi Boys and Girls,

Guess what? This year, I’m in Alaska for the race!  I am so excited.  I can’t wait to share my adventure with you.

My human and I were packing our bags for the trip.  I started wondering how the mushers pack everything they need for the 1000 mile race.  My human was having a hard time packing her suitcase and left several things at home that I know she wishes she had with her (like more treats for me).  So how does a musher do it.  How can they make sure they have enough food and supplies for both the dogs and the musher to reach Nome?  They pack what is called drop bags. 

So…. What is a drop bag and what is in them?  Drop bags are supplied by the ITC. They have the checkpoint names written on them along with the mushers name.  The mushers then fill these bags with dog food, human food, and extra dog supplies such as booties. The bags cannot weigh more than 50 pounds each.  Other equipment can also be sent to the various check points.  This extra equipment may include sleds, dog dishes, buckets, runners for the sleds etc.  This extra equipment is sent separately from the drop bags.



The filled bags are taken to the Airland Transport in Anchorage to be sorted and weighed.






The Iditarod Air Force then flies the supplies to the designated checkpoints.  This takes place a couple of weeks before the race starts.  In fact, it happened this past week.  Bags and supplies are being checked in and sorted and will be ready for the musher when they arrive.





Just one more week to go.  It’s a busy one here in Anchorage so stay tuned!

See you on the trail,



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