Hi Boys and Girls,
I’m really bummed that once again, I’m not in Alaska and I’m watching the race from afar like you are. So I thought I’d do a daily update for you. I will try to report on the leaders, where they are, the weather, and any interesting facts that I hear about. As I get pictures from those who are there (I hope Zuma reads this), I’ll post pictures also. I will also be asking you questions, to look up the answer. I will answer the questions during a later post but I want you to explore the Iditarod site and try to find the answers yourself. So here we go with update #1.
Time: 12:57pm Alaska time. Question: Is that the time where you are at? It’s 4:57 here in New Hampshire, what time is it where you live?
Leaders: Robert Bundtzen is in first place leaving Rainy Pass at 12:57. Still at Rainy Pass is #2 Lance Mackey, #3 Ray Redington, #4 Hugh Neff and #5 Sebastian Schnuelle.
Question: Since the mushers don’t start at the same time, how and when will we know who is really in the lead?
Where are the mushers: There are 9 mushers out of or in Rainy Pass, 40 mushers, in or out of Finger Lake, and 13 mushers in or out of Skwentna.
Weather: It is 18 degrees and cloudy at Rainy Pass. Question- Can you find out what the weather is at Finger Lake? Is it colder or warmer than Rainy Pass?
Hope this helps you follow the race. If you have a specific question, please leave your question in the comment section and I’ll try to get an answer for you. I might even feature your question in one of my posts.
Until tomorrow,
Beneath the Northern Sky: Waiting in Nome… (Day 11)
This morning bib number 15, Jessie Holmes, was the first musher into White Mountain just as the sun was rising over the Niukluk River. While