Hi Boys and Girls, It’s been a little quiet with everyone taking their 24 hour rest. Soon we’ll know who the leaders are so stay tuned. Thanks for all the comments and questions. I’m really enjoying hearing from all of you. Now for today’s update: TIME: 11:58 Alaskan time Answer to Yesterday’s Question: . So… What time do you think 17:46 is? It’s 5:46 PM. I hope all of you are getting the hang of 24 hour time. LEADERS: #1 Trent Herbst, #2 Kelly Griffin #3 Martin Buser, #4 Hugh Neff and #5 Cim Smyth All are at the checkpoint in Iditarod. Of these 5, only Martin and Hugh have completed their 24 hour mandatory rest. WHERE ARE THE MUSHERS: The leaders are in Iditarod, there is a large group traveling between Ophir and Iditarod. The rest of the musher are spread out back to Nickolai. WEATHER: I couldn’t find a weather reading in Iditarod. The weather in Ophir and Takotna is 21 and clear, and in McGrath it’s 16 and clear. SCRATCHED: Mitch Seavy was withdrawn from the race due to a severe hand injury. Question: What is the difference between scratching and withdrawal from the race? FAN QUESTION: Joshua wrote “ I liked that you explained why some mushers were scratched. Where I live, the temperature a few days ago was minus 31 degrees Celsius which was colder than in Alaska today so I know exactly how the mushers feel.” Question: What is -31 degrees Celsius? How is Celsius different from Fahrenheit? Thanks for the great comment Joshua. Hope you are enjoying the race. I have really enjoyed reading all your comments and questions. Check back tomorrow for another update. Until tomorrow, Gypsy
Iditarod Educator’s Summer Conference 2025!
If you were not able to attend our Winter Conference in Anchorage this year, do not worry! The Iditarod education department is teaming up