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It’s A Sled Dog Race Year!

Hello Boys and Girls,

It’s that time of year again!  Iditarod season is nearing!  I’m howling a ‘pawsome’ awesome howl song to let you know that my K9 Journalist team, Gypsy, Libby, Sanka W. Dog, and I are gearing up for this year’s race coverage!

You might not believe it now, but just like you are working hard in school doing your work and reading books, the mushers and dogs are working on their training, too.  We plan to share stories each month about the training and adventures going on behind the scenes, so when the race starts this year, (March 2) you and your classmates already know all about the mushers and dogs.  When the race begins, you’ll be ‘on the trail’ with us, following right a long!  You’ll be there with us, start to finish, Anchorage to Nome.  You’ll be cheering on your favorite musher and your favorite dogs! This is going to be a GREAT race. 


Each of the K9 Journalists have started thinking about the kind of stories they’ll be bringing you this year!  Libby has lots of details she wants to share.  Gypsy and Sanka have been getting their notebooks filled up with information they’ve gotten doing interviews or doing research. 

AND me?  Well, I’ve been working on stories and interviews, too, but I must admit, I’ve been enjoying the beautiful fall weather, taking some hikes, smelling the last of the flowers, and watching summer turn to fall and dreaming about winter’s snowfall!  I can’t wait to hike in the woods and look back at my footprints!

This has been an interesting couple of months.  The Anchorage area has had lots of high winds, like up to 130 miles an hour!  There’s been lots of rain, too.  Some places in Alaska have had floods.  Mother Nature is telling us by the weather conditions that Alaska is a place of unpredictable weather!

  AND here’s something to howl about, we’ve already had our first snowfall!  Bring on the snow!  Let me hear you howl!

Oh, one last thing I wanted to mention… Did you know that this year will be the 41st running of the Iditarod?  Well, it will be!  I like thinking about a race that has been around for more than 40 years!  Some of my best human friends are more than 40 years!  Do you know people THAT OLD?

Boys and Girls, I hope that you are doing your best work in school and that you are starting to learn about the race.  It won’t be long and we’ll be howling together as the mushers are taking their dogs to the starting line!  So between now and then, check out Zuma’s Paw Prints often and read stories from the best K9 Iditarod journalist team!

Always remember, Boys and Girls….  Do your best in school and be a good friend to each other!

Oh, and if you like to snoop around like I do, and get the latest news, start asking questions and get out your keyboard to write your story!

We’ll see you on the trail!

Lots of Tail Wags,


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