Hi Boys and Girls
I hope you are still watching the back of the pack. I have been reading The Eye on the Trail reports by Terrie Hanke. She’s been traveling with the back of the pack and reporting their stories. It’s so much fun to read. This morning I read that Travis Beals really picked up speed after he left Safety passing 3 other teams. It was like he was on a mission- and he was. Under the Burled Arches in Nome, Travis asked his girlfriend Sarah to marry him and she said YES! Congratulations to Travis and Sarah.
Now for todays update:
DATE: March 16, 2013 Early Edition
TIME: 00:04 Alaska Time
45. Mike Williams Sr. 12 days 0 hours 35 minutes
46. Gerald Sousa 12 days 2 hours 20 minutes
47. Louie Ambrose 12 days 5 hours 18 minutes
48. Angie Taggart 12 days 8 hours 50 minutes
WHERE ARE THE MUSHERS 2 teams have left White Mountain, 1 team is in White Mountain. 1 team has left Elim, 2 teams are in Elim.,
RED LANTERN POSITION: Bob Chlupach who is in Elim.
WEATHER:. The weather in Elim is 18 degrees and cloudy. The weather in White Mountain is 16 degrees and cloudy and the weather in Nome is 11 degrees and partly cloudy.
QUESTION OF THE DAY: What is the Red Lantern Award and who is it given to?
Stay tuned as there are 6 teams left out on the trail. I wonder what great stories they have to tell!
Until later,