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The Journey Ahead

"When the journey ahead seems bleak, don't forget to look behind you and see all you have survived already." -Andee Jaide
“When the journey ahead seems bleak, don’t forget to look behind you and see all you have survived already.” -Andee Jaide


As the school year approaches, August 7 for me, I want to share with you what you can look forward to this year.

If you read my blog entries from summer camp, then you may have picked up on my theme, “Journey through the Iditarod.”  I plan on using this theme in a variety of ways.  I will be sharing with you the journey a musher takes to get to Nome.  This journey does not start in Anchorage, it most likely started several years ago.  You will also experience the journey a dog takes from puppyhood to his or her training schedule to travel to Nome.  Several other journeys will be shared as well; pilots, veterinarians, volunteers, etc.

DSC_9875Another topic I am excited to share with you is the checkpoints.  I want you and your students to be familiar with each checkpoint prior to the race.  You will also notice Iditarod trivia questions to use with the students.  This would be great to post on the board in your class or even in the hallway for the entire school to view.  As a whole class your students can work to find the answer to the question.  Another option is to see how many students can find the answer by the next day.  The answer will be posted the following day.  Take time to discuss the answer with your students.

I am most looking forward to sharing with you a variety of technology ideas through Iditarod themed lessons.  I will be introducing you to many new and exciting ways to incorporate technology in your Iditarod lessons.

My class is very “social.”  Meaning, we use social media a great deal in my classroom.  We would love for you to follow our journey as a class this year.

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