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H is for Haw: Directing the Dogs

The Iditarod Alphabet 2017
H is for Haw

Command given for the dogs to turn left.

H is for Haw

A common question my students ask is “how do the dogs know where to go on the trail?”  Well, there are two parts to the answer.  First, the trail is marked by thousands of trail markers so the mushers know which direction to go.  Then, once the mushers know which way to go, they tell the dogs to go right or left using the commands gee and haw.  Gee tells the dogs to turn right, and haw to turn left.  Mushers do not need to shout the command, rather they quietly say it and the dogs know where to go. 

We are excited to kickoff the Winter Teachers Conference tonight at a reception hosted by ExxonMoble.  We are looking forward to a great week of learning how to incorporate Iditarod into any classroom!  To follow all the action join our Iditarod Classroom Club on Skype:  Iditarod Classroom Club.

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