Iditarod Poetry: Read then Get Writing!

All around the globe, it is time to write Iditarod poetry.  Send us your poems and we’ll share them with our readers!

Thank you Marcia and Rhonda for sharing your poetry!

Iditarod   by Marcia Claesson

The frosted fingers of cold pinch my skin.

False images dance before me like ghosts.

I dodge terrifying trunks where there are none,

Call out to friends who disappear

Into the snowy veils that surround me.

I jolt,

Suddenly aware

Of the whoosh of my runners,

The panting of my dog team

Running across the icy expanse.

Alone with creation

We survive,

We continue,

We prevail,

We are victors,


Heavenly Encore  By Ronda Swanson

Ching, ching, ching.

The sound of tiny tags clinking together; tiny toes claw across the terrain.

From out of the complete lack of light comes the looming,

luminescent,leaning headlight with the leader in tow.

We see through the Alaskan night the glow of a human headlight and the

glow of the heavenly aurora borealis.

Then ching, ching, ching, fades as does the human headlight.

They, dogs and rider, are separate, yet one, pass by.

The heavenly lights continue their quiet encore.