Teachers: Are you interested in having an Iditarod quilt visit your classroom next school year?!
This past school year we had TWELVE quilts traveling around the country! The quilts visited nearly 10,000 students in 70 schools (in 23 different states), and visited students in kindergarten through senior year of high school, in public, private, and IDEA homeschool settings.

So, how does the program work?
Teachers across the country are encouraged to sign-up for the quilt project by July 15, 2019. During the sign-up process teachers are asked to list their top three months to have the quilt. In mid-August a schedule will be sent out to each teacher, along with the month they will be receiving the quilt (we try out best to accommodate your month requests). The teacher will keep the quilt in his/her classroom for the month, and we encourage them to complete a few of the lessons that will accompany the quilt. Once the month is up, teachers will send the quilt onto the next teacher and classroom.
Each quilt is unique and teaches students all about the race– from inspirational quotes, to character development, to fun math facts– these quilts are the best!
If you have questions, please contact Annie at iditarodquiltproject@gmail.com