Newton Marshall made it to the Burled Arch with his typical huge smile and unfailing good spirits!
I walked down to watch him come up off the sea ice. He was poling away and waving and smiling to the gathered crowds. It seems like crowds gather wherever Newton is! The scene in chute was the liveliest I’ve seen…. reggae music, tons of music, and Jamaican flags. By the time I made it up to the chute from the sea ice they “chute party” was in full swing! Newton posed for picture after picture and even signed autographs.
One kindergartner was there with a Jamaican flag she had colored. I was so impressed with how Newton came to the fence to speak with her and then lifted her up to the fence so they could take a picture. She was in love! She will remember that moment for a very long time!
Scott Janssen was there to welcome Newton to Nome. I bet those two have a lot to talk about. If you remember, Newton was instrumental in assisting Scott when he had his injury earlier in the race. Scott and his family and fans have been very vocal in their support of Newton and I can only imagine what the two were thinking when they laid eyes on each other this evening. I would love to be a fly on the wall when the two of them get some time to talk.
In the meantime – welcome to Nome Mushin’ Mon!