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Perseverance at the Back of the Pack

Dear Friends,

It has been so exciting seeing the mushers arriving in Nome, tired but happy and triumphant!  Little by little more teams are arriving.  The mushers have given credit to their sled dogs for working as a team to get across Alaska.

If you are able to see the GPS tracker, you see two teams at the back of the pack.   They are not giving up and are showing perseverance.  The Red Lantern Award will be given to the musher who comes in last, a reward for pushing through hard things.  Bryce Mumford and his dog team are working their way down the trail.  He lives in Idaho, and his whole family are dog mushers!  Bryce, his dad Rex, and daughter Anna raced in the Idaho Sled Dog Challenge 100.  A newsperson dubbed them the Mushing Mumfords!  

Joshua Robbins is also toward the back.  He wants to inspire others to try new things and not be afraid of failure, according to his musher details.  His plan was also to wear his patriotic parka on the race to honor veterans who fought for our country.  

Keep cheering for the back of the pack.  We don’t always know what challenges are slowing them down. The fact that they keep moving forward shows great perseverance, something we all need.

Until next time,



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