Primary Nonfiction Books
Title: |
Author (Copyright Date): |
Notes: |
Alaska’s Dog Heroes: True Stories of Remarkable Canines
Shelley Gill (2014) |
True canine stories from Alaska including Balto, Togo, Tekla and more. |
Big-Enough Anna: The Little Sled Dog Who Braved the Arctic | Pam Flowers with Ann Dixon (2003) |
A true story about how the runt of the litter became the lead sled dog. Ages 4 – 8 Lexile AD590 (Adult Directed) |
The Bravest Dog Ever: The True Story of Balto |
Natalie Standiford (1989) |
The story of the 1925 serum race to Nome is told in this Step Into Reading book. Grades 1 – 3 Lexile 510 Fountas & Pinnell: L |
Douggie: The Playful Pup Who Became a Sled Dog Hero |
Pam Flowers (2008) |
Flowers pays tribute to the class-clown puppy who, with patient training, became the lead dog for a 325-mile expedition to the Magnetic North Pole. Ages 5-8 Lexile 690 |
Keep On! The Story of Matthew Henson Co-Discoverer of the North Pole | Deborah Hopkinson (2009) |
This picture book biography of Matthew Henson features the importance of sled dogs to the mission. |
SoloFlite: An Alaskan Puppy Becomes a Legend |
Marianne Schlegelmilch (2002) |
A lost puppy, given a home at a kennel in Fairbanks, becomes an Iditarod legend. |