Tails from the Trail
The sun is shining, temperatures in the mid 30’s, and teams are steadily coming into Unalakleet. About half the teams have arrived now and many more will continue through the night. With these warmer temperatures it could slow down a team. Mushers are taking extra care not to let their dogs overheat. Breaks and hydration are the key.

As the mushers leave they will head out along the Bering Sea and after Shaktoolik, over Norton Sound. Weather was definitely on the minds of many mushers. With snow coming in tomorrow, I have heard several mushers mention the wind. If the gusts get too high there can be white out conditions. If the winds are coming from behind it could be an advantage. Always thinking ahead when it comes to the weather is important, even though it could change very quickly.

Teachers: Ever wonder what the dogs are thinking
Check out this lesson from Brian Hickcox 2019 Teacher on the Trail, to have your students create Meme’s. Then take a look at some pictures from today and try to figure out what those dogs are thinking?