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Welcome Teachers!

Making memories at the Exxon Mobil event

Exxon Mobil helped the Iditarod educators kick off the 2016 Winter Conference with a special event at the Hilton in downtown Anchorage Monday night.  I was excited to meet up with old friends and help celebrate the Last Great Race on Earth® in the classroom.  


I reconnected with teachers I had met at the Iditarod Summer Camp in June.  I officially took over the Teacher on the Trail™ position from Erin Montgomery, the 2015 Iditarod Teacher on the Trail™ at the volunteer picnic and musher sign-up, and it was wonderful to see so many familiar faces.  The summer camp was so amazing that several returned for the winter conference this year.

Who will be next?

Earlier in the day I met the three finalists for the 2017 Iditarod Teacher on the Trail™ position.  These candidates are exceptional, and I don’t envy the Iditarod Education Committee for the decision they will have to make after the red lantern reaches Nome.  They will start a blog about their journey this week! 

Meet the Iditarod Teacher on the Trail™ Finalists

After a presentation by Exxon Mobil, we spent some time catching up and talking about our excitement for the coming conference.  I have brought several teachers with me from my school in Austin, Texas, who will be presenting incredible STEM activities with an Iditarod theme.  We have guest authors, field trips, the musher banquet, and the ceremonial start coming up this week.  We ended the evening excited, energized, and feeling very fortunate to be here for this special once-in-a-lifetime event. 




Follow my journey this year as 2016 Iditarod Teacher on the Trail™. We have partnered with Skype as a virtual field trip experience, and I will be sending recorded video messages daily along the trail to classrooms around the world. Sign up for a free Skype account first, and then join the “Iditarod Classroom Club” to follow along. Remember, you must have a Skype account first, or you only be in my club for 24 hours as a guest! Click the link below:

Iditarod Classroom Club


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