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Happy Valentines Day!

Libby here!

I’m so happy because today is Valentines Day!  When I’m happy, I spin in a circle around and around, like I’m chasing my tail.  I am not chasing my tail.  I’m dancing!

Today I am dancing because when it is Valentines Day, it makes me think about all of the things that I love!  It’s a long list of things, like dressing up and looking fancy, wearing goofy hats, singing howl songs, being with my friends, writing stories, and….  wait for it!

Following the Iditarod each March!  Yup- howl, howl!  Following the racers and my fur friends is one of my favorite things to do!

In just a few weeks now, the race will begin.  I’ll be filling you in on details and spinning circles dancing!

It is almost time for Iditarod!

Just spinning some De’tails’!


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