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Honorary Musher

Honorary Musher

Hi Boys and Girls,

Are you getting excited yet?  In one week, the Ceremonial Start will be happening.  Can you believe it?  I can’t wait to be there and interview some of the dogs, and their humans, that will be racing this year. 

The first musher to leave the start line will be wearing Bib #2.  Bib # 1 is reserved each year to honor a special person who has made a significant contribution to the race.  This person can be alive or someone who has passed away.  If the musher has passed away, a representative of that musher will ride in the sled and wear the bib during the Ceremonial Start in Anchorage. 

This year Joseph Redington Jr (Joee) is being honored  He is the oldest son of Joe Redington who is known as “the father of the Iditarod.”  Joee passed away August 14, 2017.  Joee had a long history of mushing.  He raced in both the Fur Rendezvous and the Iditarod.  When the race start was moved to Fairbanks in 2003, 2015 and 2017, Joee was the driving force in getting the community of Manley Hot Springs, where he lived, ready as the 3rd checkpoint.  Joee’s wife Pam will have the honor of wearing Bib #1 and riding in the first sled to leave the start line at the ceremonial start.



Have a great weekend and I’ll see you on the trail,


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