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Zoom Lens – The Table is Set

The events of race week are quite predictable. Vet check on Wednesday, musher meeting on Thursday, dog handler training on Friday, etc. The greatest and most festive of the events is the musher banquet on Thursday evening. It’s attended by race fans, friends, family, sponsors, veterinarians and of course volunteers. Not counting closely but attendance is about 2,000. One by one, the mushers come across the stage and ceremoniously draw their starting number from a fancy seal mukluk. DeeDee Jonrowe drew bib number two and will be the first to leave the starting chute for the race to Nome.

Take a look at these dogs. They seem to be having a banquet of their own. These VanZyle Siberians aren’t speed dogs but they are strong and steady. They’re more closely related to the freight dogs of days gone by than the Iditarod racers of today. They are ravenous eaters, have very good table manners and seem to enjoy their banquet style meals.

Stay tuned for another telephoto story as the race gets nearer. Beauty is not in the guidebook nor adventure on the map, seek and you will find.

Born to Run,

Days Hrs Mins Secs

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