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Zoom Lens – Whitey

When Justin Savidis crossed the finish line, he earned his rookie buckle and finished what he’d started out to do last race. You might remember that Justin’s dog, Whitey, went AWOL between Nikolai and McGrath. Justin took his 24-hour layover and searched for his dog. The foxy pup was spotted on many occasions but didn’t consent to being captured. Savidis finally scratched from the race and continued to look for Whitey. Finally Justin and a group of snowmachiners were able to surround the dog but for Whitey, the machines and humans or Martians – it was hard to tell who was under those helmets – sent him running again. Justin whipped off the headgear and called the dog. Whitey recognized Justin and gladly accepted the food he had to offer. Great story – happy ending – it gets better. Justin and Whitey finished together this year. Maybe Whitey will get to wear the coveted belt buckle on Sundays.

Born to Run,


Days Hrs Mins Secs

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