Along the Trail
Leaving Shageluk and mushing on toward Anvik, the teams will have fewer miles to go than they have covered. Anvik (AN-vik) is the first checkpoint of the southern route on the famous Yukon River. No one would be so bold as to say that it’s downhill to Nome from Shageluk because the Yukon River and …
Shageluk is almost 160 miles from Takotna, the last village populated with humans. Since departing Takotna, the teams have traveled through the ghost towns of Ophir and Iditarod. Handler didn’t actually visit Shageluk as the 2006 Teacher on the Trail because ’06 was an even year so the teams followed the northern route. It was …
On the even years, the race will take the northern route to Nome. When the drivers and teams reach Ophir, they’ll take a right and head north to Cripple. The distance from Ophir to Cripple is 59 miles. The total distance from Ophir to Kaltag, where the two trails rejoin on the northern route …
by Martha Dobson Edgar Nollner and Josephine Roberts. Father and daughter. Volunteers working in Tanana were thrilled to meet Josephine, now 93, who was a 3 year old when her father, Edgar, ran one of the relay legs of the 1925 Serum Run to deliver diphtheria antitoxin to Nome, combating the epidemic there. The first …
by Terrie Hanke Iditarod has many legendary figures. Most have stood on sled runners and coached dog teams from Fourth Avenue in Anchorage to Front Street in Nome. Joe Delia has never run a dog team in the Last Great Race but his contributions to the race were instrumental in the establishment and success of …
How ironic is it that you can be right in the middle of all the Iditarod action but not know what’s happening along the trail? I’ve worked as a communications specialist at Skwentna Checkpoint for eight years and the same has been true for all eight years. The race runs through the checkpoint sitting below …
Cindy Abbott parked her dog team yesterday at a quarter to eight in the morning. She intended to stay for a short rest then head to Takotna for her long layover. As her planned departure grew closer Cindy re-evaluated and decided to stay in McGrath. There could have been many factors that played into changing …
Read about INNOVATION – the first trait of Iditarod in this story by Sanka. Click here to view this PDF File.
Read about Diligence – the second trait of Iditarod in this story by Sanka. Click here to view this PDF file
Read about Respect – the 6th trait of Iditarod in this story by Sanka. Click here to view this PDF File.