Character Education
Educators devote an enormous amount of effort into creating a positive, supportive classroom community. The beginning of the year is dedicated to establishing norms and expectations so that every student feels included and supported. Integrated into the curriculum is identity work, emotional regulation strategies, lessons on collaboration, respect, and consideration, and reminders to make responsible …
Late January is a difficult time of year; all of the bright holiday lights have come down as the snow, slush, and cold have settled in, and any sign of spring is too far away to see. Finding a way through this long stretch is possible, especially when we focus on the inner light that …
January 1st. The New Year is a time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. It is a day of potential – a strange sort of limbo where anything is possible in the coming year. Resolutions are made with the hope that in two months…six months…nine months we will be fitter, …
I run, but I’m not competitive and I don’t always enjoy it. I started running pretty late in life, as a new mom who wanted to return to her pre-baby pants size and not be out of breath climbing the stairs to grab a diaper. Running worked for me because I could squeeze in 2 …
Next month is Thanksgiving here in the US. The holiday focuses on gratitude but, if I am being completely honest, it is really all about the food. I will definitely get back to the thankfulness component in my November posts, but for now let’s talk turkey…and mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie. There is something about …
The idea of awarding a red lantern to the final finisher in a dog race apparently got its start during the Fur Rendezvous races in 1953 as a joke. When the the Iditarod came into existence, the tradition continued. The award has come to represent the preservation and grit needed to finish the race. The …
This year 9 Iditarod quilts have been crisscrossing the United States, visiting over 8,500 students in more than 65 schools. Each quilt serves as a great teaching tool for teachers, and gets students excited about the Last Great Race! From the teachers: In Ms. Berg’s class in Seattle: “The first graders work[ed] around character traits …
Thinking Interdependently by Judi Roach Title: Habits of Mind and Iditarod connection Developed by: Judi Roach Discipline / Subject: Self-Regulation/Life Skills Topic: Teaching the 16 Habits of Mind using Iditarod Insider Clips Grade Level: 3rd Through 12 Resources / References / Materials Teacher Needs: Habits of Mind mini posters/Iditarod Insider Video Clips/Sled and dog chart/white …
Read about Diligence – the second trait of Iditarod in this story by Sanka. Click here to view this PDF file
Read about Integrity – the 3rd trait of Iditarod in this story written by Sanka Click here to view this PDF File.