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CHECKPOINT FITNESS: Aerobic & Strength Exercises

Lesson Summary: Students run, jog or walk for a predetermined amount of time and intensity around the gym.  When time is up, students choose a checkpoint to go to.  A student rolls the die to determine what exercise the group will do.  All students perform the exercise.  Repeat.

Procedural Activities:  The instructor selects 6 activities for each checkpoint.  Place the exercises numbered 1 – 6 on a sheet of paper.  Necessary equipment for exercises needs to be placed at each of the checkpoints along with one die.  The students will run, walk or jog for a predetermined amount of time and intensity around the gym.  When time is up, the group heads to a checkpoint.  Only one group may occupy each checkpoint.  When the group has arrived at a checkpoint, one of the members rolls the die.  The number that comes up determines the exercise to be done by the group.  Once the group has finished the exercise, they run, walk or jog again.  When time is up the group heads to another checkpoint.  With six exercises at each checkpoint combined with the chance of rolling the die, students can return to a checkpoint more than once.  With 2 exercises at each checkpoint combined with the chance of rolling the die, duplication most likely won’t be a problem.

View the Lesson Plan here!

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