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J is for Jon Van Zyle: Iditarod Art

The Iditarod Alphabet 2017
J is for Jon Van Zyle

Jon Van Zyle is a two time Iditarod finisher (1976 & 1979).  Jon has also been the official artist of the Iditarod since 1979, and has created dozens and dozens of paintings for the Iditarod since then.  Jon is a self-taught artist and has paintings in museums all across the country.  Jon has also illustrated many children’s books including Arctic Lights, Arctic Lights and Big Alaska, both by Debbie Miller.  Jon was inducted into the Iditarod Hall of Fame in 2004.

J is for Jon Van Zyle

I have had the opportunity to visit Jon and Jona Van Zyle’s home and gallery four times now.  They are so gracious and open up their house to the teachers each winter and summer.  Last night when we were there, Jon talked a bit about his artwork and his two Iditarod finishes.  He gave us some insight into how the race has evolved over the years, and shared some of his favorite trail stories.  We also had time to walk around the gallery and see many of Jon’s beautiful pieces of art. 

While I was walking around the gallery I was wondering how I could use his paintings in my classroom.  What first came to mind was the different shapes that he uses.  You could easily use Jon’s artwork in a geometry lesson at any grade level.  Another way to incorporate his painting into a lesson would be to have students complete a writing piece that goes along with the artwork.  Students could choose a painting from his website and either write a descriptive piece or perhaps a fictional writing piece that goes along with the painting.  Visit Jon’s website to view many of his paintings.

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