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Middle Grades Nonfiction Books

Middle Grades NonFiction Books


Author (Copyright Date):


Champion of Alaskan Huskies: Joe Redington, Sr., Father of the Iditarod
Katie Mangelsdorf (2011)
Joe Redington Sr. was an ordinary man with extraordinary dreams—and buckets of determination! His vision was as vast as the majestic Alaska landscape he loved to explore. This firsthand account is of the man whose love for the Alaskan husky and the Iditarod Trail evolved into the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. Joe’s adventurous spirit, fierce perseverance, and creative heart burned strong within his character and enabled the impossible to become a reality. His spell-binding stories and genuine love of Alaska drew people into his dreams. This is the story of those unique feats that defined Joe’s life, and built the foundation for the most demanding and famous sled dog race in the world.
The Double Life of an Alaskan Sled Dog
Andrea “Finney” Aufder Heyde (2012)                                                  

Written by the first Iditarod Teacher on the Trail™, this book tells the story of Finney’s sled dog, Annui, and their sled dog kennel adventures and classroom adventures. 
Gary Paulsen (2001)
Paulsen tells of the hardships he faced in various life adventures, including the extremes of exhaustion and cold he knew in running the Iditarod, and how he used these lessons in his Hatchet books.
Grades 5 and up
Iditarod Country: Exploring the Route of the Last Great Race Tricia Brown (1998)

Brown and photographer Jeff Schultz introduce readers to the people and history at the checkpoints along the Iditarod Trail.
Grade 6 and up
Puppies, Dogs and Blue Northers: Reflections on Being Raised by a Pack of Sled Dogs

Gary Paulsen

(1996, 1998, 2002, 2007, 2008)

Paulsen recounts his special relationship with his lead dog Cookie.

Grades 4 – 6

Lexile 1190

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