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We Love Our Dogs!

This morning we had to say goodbye to Dream a Dream Dog Farm. Thank you to Vern, Susan, Cindy, Cassie, and Dan for a fantastic time. It was sad to say goodbye, but what great memories we will take with us! Until next summer camp….

Our journey continued to Chas St. George’s (Interim CEO of the Iditarod Trail Committee), for presentations from both Kathy Turco from the A-CHILL group and Chief Veterinarian Stu Nelson. A-CHILL (Alaska Care and Husbandry Instruction for Lifelong Living) is a program that “engages students in various subjects through learning with sled dogs.” They are offer programs such as animal science, veterinary science, local history, and Alaska culture and dog mushing. It was exciting to learn about the program and the enthusiasm the students have for it.

Stu Nelson, the chief veterinarian of the Iditarod, presented on dog care. These dogs are incredible athletes, and their health and safety are the top priority in the Iditarod. There are over 50 licensed veterinarians that volunteer their time to ensure the safety and care of the Iditarod dogs. Check out my journals throughout the year to learn more about these amazing dogs and their care.


More tomorrow from Summer Camp 2019, it’s the first day for musher sign-ups for the 2020 Iditarod!


Teachers: When the mushers arrive at each checkpoint a veterinarian is there to check to the dogs.  They use the HAW/L as a way to check each dog.

H- Heart and Hydration

A- Appetite and Attitude

W- Weight

L- Lungs

Terrie Hanke 2006 Teacher on the Trail™ adapted the HAW/L for students. This is a  great way for students to quickly reflect upon their own learning.

H- Heart  (love of learning)

A- Attitude and Appetite (starving to learn)

W- Wisdom (making wise choices)

L- Listening


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