Evening update from Unalakleet
I got weather cancelled trying to fly from Unk to Anchorage today. Surprise. So far I have always gotten weather cancelled in Unk, so why change that now. On the upside, I get to see more teams coming in. The latest group to arrive was John Schandelmeier, Fabio Berlusconi and Damon Ramaker. Gabe Dunham is …
Two more teams made it into the Unalakleet Checkpoint. So much for fast trails. It is back to blowing and snowing, actually border line raining. Robert Buntzen was sitting on his sled and debating when to hit the trail. It is a little more enticing, when the sun is shining. Friends delivered a fresh Peace …
Unalakleet Morning update
Good morning from Unalakleet. The notorious east wind has picked up. It is by no means as strong as it could be, but it is not as calm as yesterday. There is a winter storm warming in the forecast. 2 back to back storms, one later today, and another tomorrow night. Talking to Robert Buntzen …
Evening update from Unalakleet
When I left Nulato, Dennis Kananowicz and Meredith Mapes were waiting out the heat of the day. Temperatures were inching towards 40 degrees. That made taking down the checkpoint nice, we had 2 tents which needed packing up But it for sure was not good dog running weather. ( In the meantime both Dennis and …
Back of the packers in Nulato
Being around the back of the packers is sure fun too. The pace is quite a bit more relaxed and they are less walking Zombies like some of the front runners. When Karin Hendrikson left the checkpoint I could not resist yelling over:” How about giving these dogs some commands about where to go”, as …
Monday update from Nulato
Hello Race Fans, Yesterday evening we had a fun group of veteran mushers pull into the checkpoint. When Martin Buser pulled in he said: ” Sebastian say hi to Kathy, I have her in my head “. It took me a while to clue in, that Martin had her on speakerphone while checking into the …
Sunday afternoon Update from Nulato
Hello Race Fans greeting from Nulato on Sunday afternoon. Teams keep on filing in. The latest arrival was Laura Neese from Michigan. When she checked in Dean asked her, are you going through? Big laughter.” Heck no…. I am staying”. It has been slow going in these warm temperatures for the teams coming from Galena. …
Morning update from Nulato
Hello Race Fans, it was a busy night here in Nulato It has been a little more than 24 hours since the 1st team, Jessie Royer rolled in at 6 a.m. yesterday morning. And now we have teams 29 to 32 currently resting here. Tom Knolmayer being our latest arrival. The Berington Twins found some …
A few more pictures from Nulato
The snow is coming down pretty good. Wet stuff, not really accumulating. We are VERY fortunate to not have any wind where the teams are parked on the Yukon River. Ramey Smyth was wondering if it is going to continue to be this wet. Well, according to the weather man, it should let off sometime …
Update from Nulato
Hello Iditarod Race Fans, I have not dropped off the planet, rather got busy with my primary job of race judge. The corona virus is throwing curve balls even all the way out here in the bush. On short notice we had to come up with an alternate checkpoint location in Nulato. Thanks to local …