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Recommended Reading Lists

Are you looking for a book to use with your Iditarod unit of study? 

You’ve come to the right place!

We’ve compiled a list of books to help you.

In an effort provide you with useful resources that have been carefully vetted, we have limited our book list to books about Iditarod, the sport of mushing, and sled dogs in general. We have sorted books by approximate reading level, and where applicable, the Lexile and/or Fountas & Pinnell levels are included. Many of the books could reach across grade levels, so we encourage you to explore all of the lists equally.

Iditarod-related books are available through an ever-increasing number of sources. The Iditarod Online Store carries a limited number of books, but we request you check our store first. Purchasing your books through our online store directly helps support the race. 

Please note that this listing continues to be a work in progress.  If you are aware of a book or resource that you think should be included in this list, please help us keep the resource updated by sending your suggestion to the book review committee.

Choose a category to start exploring!

Primary Grades Fiction

Primary Grades Nonfiction

Elementary Fiction

Elementary Nonfiction

Middle Grades Fiction

Middle Grades Nonfiction

Teen Fiction

Teen Nonfiction

Adult Books (Fiction, Memoir, Nonfiction)

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